
The expander is used to widen your arch in order to correct a crossbite or create room for your teeth. To use the expander the key must be placed in the hole and turned towards the back of the mouth (throat). Make sure to take the key out at this point to not turn the expander backwards. This completes one turn. It is very common for most orthodontists to request at least 20 turns of this appliance usually 1x day or 1x every other day. Please keep track of how many turns you have completed on a calendar.

It is best to turn the expander at night before you go to sleep. While expanding a space will form between your front teeth. This is how we know the expander is opening the suture, If a space does not form after 1-2 weeks it is possible you are not turning the key correctly so it is best to contact your orthodontist.

It is very important to brush your expander and its arms thoroughly every time to brush your teeth. If you see that the gums around your expander are getting red and inflamed please contact your orthodontist.

Most Orthodontists keep the expander in for 6 months to 1 year after the final turn to allow the sutures to heal and prevent any relapse.


The Forsus is a corrector we use for patients with excessive overjet (Class II). The Forsus will stay in the patient’s mouth for 6 months - 1 year. Most orthodontists will overcorrect the patient’s overjet so don’t be alarmed if your bite becomes close to edge to edge as there will be some relapse. The Forsus appliance does take time to get used to. Most patients report that after 1 week they have adjusted well and are happy they don’t have to wear rubber bands. If the spring is to come out of the rod the best way to place it back in is to open big and place the spring back in front of a mirror.