Tongue Thrust and The Bluegrass Appliance

Tongue thrust is a condition that affects the way a person swallows, where the tongue pushes against the front teeth during swallowing, and can also happen during speech or at rest. This can lead to dental and speech problems over time. However, there are several treatment options available to correct tongue thrust, including the use of a dental appliance known as the Bluegrass appliance.

The Bluegrass appliance is an orthodontic appliance that is specifically designed to correct tongue thrust. It is a removable device that consists of a plastic shield that covers the roof of the mouth and a wire that wraps around the front teeth. The wire is positioned in a way that encourages the tongue to rest in the correct position, preventing it from pushing against the teeth during swallowing or at rest.

The Bluegrass appliance is typically used for several months to a year, depending on the severity of the tongue thrust. During this time, the patient needs to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid consuming hard or sticky foods that can damage the appliance. Regular checkups with the orthodontist are also necessary to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the appliance.

One of the significant advantages of the Bluegrass appliance is that it is a non-invasive and painless treatment option for tongue thrust. It does not require surgery or medication and is relatively easy to adjust to wearing the appliance. Additionally, the appliance is removable, allowing the patient to take it out during eating or brushing their teeth.

Moreover, the Bluegrass appliance can also help correct any dental problems caused by tongue thrust. This includes crowded or crooked teeth, bite problems, and speech issues.

In conclusion, tongue thrust can lead to several dental and speech problems over time. However, there are several effective treatment options available, such as the Bluegrass appliance. It is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a non-invasive and painless treatment option to correct tongue thrust. If you or a loved one is experiencing tongue thrust, it is advisable to consult an orthodontist to explore treatment options that may best suit your needs.


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