Tongue Thrust Correction Using Tongue Spurs

Orthodontic treatment aims to correct various dental problems, including tongue thrust. Tongue thrust is a condition where the tongue pushes against the front teeth during swallowing, speech, or at rest, leading to dental and speech problems over time. One of the treatment options for tongue thrust is the use of tongue spurs.

Tongue spurs are a type of orthodontic appliance that is designed to correct tongue thrust. They are small, custom-made acrylic extensions that are attached to the inside of the upper front teeth. The spurs prevent the tongue from pushing against the teeth, promoting correct swallowing and tongue positioning.

Using tongue spurs as part of orthodontic treatment is a highly effective way to correct tongue thrust. Patients typically wear the spurs for several months to a year, depending on the severity of the condition. During this time, they need to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid consuming hard or sticky foods that could damage the spurs.

In addition to correcting tongue thrust, tongue spurs can also help address other dental problems such as crowding, bite issues, and speech problems. They can also improve overall oral health and function.

If you are looking for orthodontic treatment options to correct tongue thrust, consider using tongue spurs. They are a non-invasive and painless treatment option that can help promote proper tongue positioning and swallowing, leading to improved dental and speech health.

In conclusion, tongue thrust is a common condition that can lead to dental and speech problems over time. Using tongue spurs as part of orthodontic treatment is a highly effective way to correct tongue thrust, promoting proper tongue positioning and swallowing. If you are experiencing tongue thrust, consult with an experienced orthodontist to explore treatment options that best suit your needs.


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